Mini-Post: Reviews of my Crone — Nancy Candea
Mini-Post: Reviews of my Crone

Mini-Post: Reviews of my Crone

I was so happy with the response to my January 12th, 2022 article in Elephant Journal Why I will Never call myself a Crone. Within 48 hours it had over 1000 reads.

Here are some of the comments. Many of the commenters were anonymous. I included their names when I could.

Great read, Nancy! Thank you for helping redefine what it means to be a mature woman and what an important contribution women make to the world, well beyond the life-giving role we most often think of. As a gynecologist, I know my patients will appreciate this article! - Shaghayegh DeNoble, MD.

Words are so important – we are called girls long after we are women and then are moved quickly to the more derogatory terms society have created. Thank you for your refreshing outlook, Nancy!

Badass reflection, wise one! I’m not at that stage of life yet, but you have me rethinking my options for the archetype of that time. Excellent read, Nancy!

I especially appreciated reading the etymology of “crone” – very interesting! No woman would ever agree to those descriptions. A very empowering article – thank you, Nancy!

I love this post Nancy, so well articulated, and your enthusiasm about this wonderful stage of our life. I do claim the word crone, though, as a practicing witch and fellow woman of the woods, a healer, a strong matriarch. I take it back from patriarchy, and straighten my crown. We don’t need to identify with their meaning of it, and their view of aging, or what these archetypes offer to the world. Old is good. Wrinkled is good. Dying… at the edge of life, good. I value the crone so much. - Monkia Carless

This is a fist in the air hell yes! Great read—thank you, Nancy! - Cat Monkman, Editor at Elephant Journal

Nancy, this is great, and thank you! I am already in that elder, wise, stage, and I have more wisdom, and inner strength now. Thank you again for writing this. - Janice Dolk

Nancy, Thank you for this encouraging article! As a woman in the “second half” of life, I can speak to the challenge of embracing a positive image of aging. Your article points out the misogyny in these terms and reminds us to reject harmful external labels… to define ourselves on our own terms! - Jill

Thank you Nancy for your affirmation of the second half of life for women – beautiful article – look forward to more on this topic. For me, the second half is a time to treasure – full of time and opportunity for self-enrichment and selfless giving. Doing what I love and loving what I do with those I love and who love me. - Helen Hawari

Hi Nancy, great article – you hit my feelings on the spot! Entering retirement soon I have been struggling with what comes after my creative professional life and I became concerned with my future health aatricend happiness. I had horrible visions of becoming what you describe as a “crone”! Reading your article empowers me to embrace my next stage in life and to enter it with the mindset of finding my new purpose and living it with love and lively vigor. Thank you, Nancy – your article was what I needed to hear!

Whew Lawd, this was amazing! I just hit 41 and my friends and I are starting to discuss the changes in our bodies more frequently these days. We also want to know why our elders didn’t tell us about these things! I aspire to be a woman that inspires and will definitely be sharing what I’ve learned along the way freely! This was beautifully and articulately written, thank you for sharing!!! Patrice

Great article Nancy we agree that every age period a person is valuable in society.

Thank you so much for this. I will carefully be pondering the word that I’d like to describe me in my second half of life, and I love your examples. It definitely isn’t crone. Yikes!! ❤️ - Jenny

I appreciate a thought-provoking article like this. In libraries we have what we call “sacred cows”, things we have always done or said and we continue to do without thought or evaluation. Taking a step back and exploring our sacred cows can be enlightening and healthy. Thank you for shedding light on this topic. From one beautiful goddess to another! - Mindy Kittay

I always hated the word “crone” but couldn’t articulate why. “Dead flesh” struck me. In her older age, my mom complained of being a person non-grata. I refuse to comply with that. I have plenty to do and to say. My previous decades have prepared me for this time in life to shine, and I don’t need anyone’s permission.

Loved your kickass article. I consider myself a wise elder and look forward to sharing my hard-earned wisdom with anyone of any age

I especially appreciated reading the etymology of “crone” – very interesting! No woman would ever agree to those descriptions. A very empowering article – thank you, Nancy!

Yes! Matriarch. Leader. I’ll even take hip older female! Thank you for this wow of an article, leading us as women away from an identity not of our choosing, that turns out our Light instead of offering more fuel – and toward that place of value that we do, truly, inhabit in this new life phase.

Bravo Nancy. I agree we need to acknowledge status as wise elders, sages, and healers as we appreciate the gifts of aging.

Nancy, it’s beautiful. You are a Sage!

Great article. We become who we believe we are, especially if we’re fortunate enough to have our health. Calling ourselves unattractive words diminishes who we are as women. Without women, there would be no future. Our femininity and strength should be celebrated. And, as Nancy says in her article, we need to keep repeating positive things to ourselves and about ourselves. The repetition really works.

If you are ready for support in the second half of life, let’s talk. Please take advantage of my free 1/2 hour consultation.

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