We are all destined to do our part to uplift humanity.

Showing up with purpose and passion is one of the key to staying confident and present at all stages of our life.

Maybe we are a bright light in our family, an encouraging splash in our community, or a policymaker in the greater society.

I know that our inspiration, stamina, courage, and love are deeply anchored in our self-care.

I am excited when I meet people and we help each other along this life journey.

I have some transformative practices to share, and I want you to feel energized and eager on your path to fulfilling your potential in this lifetime.

We can express the nobility that we were born into at every age.

Come with me.

Let's do this together!

A native Detroiter, I lived in rural Hawaii for 18 years, where I learned to swing a machete to take down her banana trees, 12-foot-high castor bean plants, and sugar cane.

Having studied finish carpentry in Minnesota in my late 20s, I became a co-designer of the cabinetry and the landscaping at the earth roof stone home that my third husband, Jim, designed and is building himself.

So, in my 50s and 60s, I discovered that I could swing a pickaxe, build stone walls, live through winter with hardly any heat and only an outdoor privy, and hang off the edge of the roof to see the birds nesting on the beams. At 63, I finished my master’s in social work and became a psychoanalyst.

I am a mother and grandmother. I find peace and solitude in nature and doing art. I value building community that is focused on uplifting all of humanity. I am trying to be the kindest person that I can.

And even with all the fun that I’m able to find, I sometimes struggle with depression, sadness, and loneliness. I get it! Over the years as a yoga therapist and now a “talk” therapist, I’ve learned that when we can connect with others, learn skills to have a healthier life, and be present with ourselves, life is so much easier. Let’s connect and…

Let’s Live Boldly Together!

A Special note to women in the Second Half of Life:

Over the past 20 years, I have helped women who feel like they are fading or flailing in the second half of life. I help them value the emotional intelligence and courage that they have learned from picking themselves up over and over. I help women to let go of rage and regret so that they can bring the power of the present moment to their interactions. I create opportunities for reflection and teach skills that disrupt anger, depression, and anxiety. I help them make lifestyle choices that support health and happiness, to feel connected with their life’s path.

I have worked with women all my life. I started right out of college as a dance teacher and choreographer. My 36 years of yoga practice and my 26 years as an internationally known yoga therapist--whose specialty is working with those who have experienced trauma, addiction, and chronic pain--and now as a psychoanalyst. It has given me great insight into the changes we experience as we enter the second half of our lives.

I believe in women and all that we can be!