Mini Post: Believe in Yourself at Any Age — Nancy Candea
Mini Post: Believe in Yourself at Any Age

Mini Post: Believe in Yourself at Any Age

I sat back, quietly observing my friends on a Zoom meeting make fun of their bodies and thought processes now that they're older. I don’t engage in these conversations anymore. I also don’t want to be a know-it-all, but I am super opinionated about how our society views aging. 

Each of us is like an artist with a blank canvas, a musician in her studio, a choreographer on an empty stage.

We are inundated with messages from the media, the medical system, and maybe even our community, that being older is a problem to be managed. We also might give ourselves messages about the mistakes that we made, or the way that people treated us indicating that we are broken. Between the messages from society and the messages that we give ourselves, we could easily feel stuck in unhappiness and decline as we get older. Whether we are conscious of it or not, these messages about getting older haunt our waking hours and dreams. I want to let you know that we are getting better as we get older.

In the present moment, we are fresh, our baggage is left behind.

Our wisdom is fully intact. We crave to connect deeply with our family and community. Whether we are walking on the beach or maneuvering a problematic situation, we are poised to create in the moment.

I believe in us. We are powerful when we are in the present moment.

If the present moment seems elusive, let’s talk. There can be so many reasons it eludes you, and some very easy tweaks to help you enter into it.

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